Yellow Ajah

An Ajah is a sub-organization within the Aes Sedai of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series. The Yellow Ajah is the only Ajah that is completely dedicated to one of the Talents, namely Healing, which not all sisters are adept with but which is considered a requirement for entering the Yellow Ajah.



The Yellow Ajah is headed by a woman known as the First Weaver. This Ajah also has a relatively small network of Eyes and Ears. The Yellow Ajah uses a bouquet of yellow flowers strung upside down with a yellow ribbon as an emergency signal. A Yellow identifies herself to an agent of the eyes and ears network by saying something containing the words yellow and heal.


The Yellow Ajah has traditionally used a method of healing that utilises only Water, Air, and Spirit. This method draws on strength from the person being healed, which results in the person becoming weak and ravenous, despite being physically healthy. This method of healing also causes a kind of shock; this shock can kill the grievously injured, small children and animals before the Healing has a chance to take effect. However, recent inductee Nynaeve al'Meara independently developed a new weave for healing which utilizes all five elements of the Power, as well as finding a cure for stilling which was previously thought incurable. Nynaeve’s new weave is known exclusively to the Aes Sedai that have rebelled in Salidar. Furthermore, Nynaeve also learned how to cure the Madness caused by the taint of Saidin.


Nynaeve al'Meara

Nynaeve is one of the main characters of the Wheel of Time series. She is from the village Emond's Field, where Rand al'Thor, Perrin Aybara, Mat Cauthon, and Egwene al'Vere also originated. A wilder - one who can channel the One Power but learns to do so outside of the White Tower - she was brought to the Aes Sedai by Moiraine Damodred. She is one of the most powerful channelers of saidar shown in the series and has an aptitude for inventing and learning new weaves. Most notably she has healed Gentling and Stilling. Her desire to heal Rand of his madness encouraged her to follow him in an attempt to clean the taint from "saidin". She is married to al'Lan Mandragoran and serves to spread the word that the last king of Malkier is gathering his supporters for the Last Battle, Tarmon Gai'don.

Other notable members


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